- vt. 挑選;選拔
- adj. 精選的;挑選出來的;極好的
- vi. 挑選
- n. 被挑選者;精萃
se-,分開,-lect,拿,收集,詞源同 collect,elect.即拿出來,分開,引申詞義選擇。
- select
- select: [16] Select is one of a wide range of English words that go back ultimately to Latin legere ‘choose’ or its past participle lectus (others include collect and elect and, from its later extended meaning ‘read’, lectern and lecture). Addition of the prefix sē- ‘apart’ produced sēligere ‘choose out’, whose past participle sēlectus gave English select, both as adjective and verb.
=> collect, elect, lecture, legible - select (adj.)
- 1560s, from Latin selectus, past participle of seligere "choose out, single out, select; separate, cull," from se- "apart" (see secret (n.)) + legere "to gather, select" (see lecture (n.)). The noun meaning "a selected person or thing, that which is choice" is recorded from c. 1600. New England selectman first recorded 1640s.
- select (v.)
- "to single out one or more out of a number of things of the same kind," 1560s, from select (adj.) or from Latin selectus. Related: Selected; selecting.
- 1. The floorcovering you select will need to be impervious to water.
- 挑選的地板材料必須是防水的。
- 2. A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.
- 推選一位新的議會候選人的激戰正酣。
- 3. Christian Lacroix is throwing a very lavish and very select party.
- 克里斯汀·拉克魯瓦正在舉辦一個非常豪華的上流聚會。
- 4. Select "Delete all" from the drop-down list.
- 在下拉列表項中選擇“全部刪除”。
- 5. Be sure to select firm, unblemished fruit.
- 一定要選堅實、無疤痕的果子。