- adj. 富有的;充分的;豐裕的
- n. 富人
- a wealthy nation
- 富國
- The couple are said to be fabulously wealthy.
- 據說這對夫婦家財萬貫。
- They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago.
- 他們住在芝加哥郊區的一處富人區。
- ...a wealthy international businessman.
- 富有的國際大亨
- So the horse, rather shabby, stood in an arrested prance in the boy's bedroom.
- 因此,這一破舊不堪的木馬, 以固定的騰躍姿態立在保羅的臥室里.
- This is a wealthy family.
- 這是個非常有錢的家庭.
- He cheated her into believing him a wealthy man.
- 他騙得她相信他是一個富翁.
- A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him.
- 一位富商為他做了保證人.
- Although she was wealthy, she lived in an unpretentious house.
- 她雖然富有, 住的卻是樸素的房子.
- He grew up in a wealthy family.
- 他在一個富有的家庭里長大.
- Rich dad stood and shut the creaky old wooden window that needed repair . If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy and happy young man.
- 富爸爸站起來,推開那扇破舊失修的窗子, 如果你學會了這一課, 你就會成為一個智慧 、 快樂而富有的人.
- The student wants to find a wealthy patron in America.
- 那學生想在美國找一個富有的贊助人.
- Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle.
- 杰克遜想盡種種辦法去討好他那個有錢的叔叔.
- At least a dozen people attend on the bride of the wealthy prince.
- 至少有12個人侍候這個富有的王子的新娘.
- My brother is now very wealthy.
- 我哥哥現在很有錢.
- The Duke and Duchess were so wealthy that they seemed to have money coming out of their ears.
- 公爵和公爵夫人非常富裕,他們似乎有用不完的錢.
- That young man was the son of a wealthy planter.
- 那年輕人是一位富有的農場主的兒子.
- She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
- 她和一位有身份的富人聯姻.
- There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep's eyes at the beautiful girl.
- 那兒來了一個富有的證券經紀人,他含情脈脈地看著這位漂亮的姑娘.
- a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle
- 渴望過富裕生活
- The couple are said to be fabulously wealthy.
- 據說這對夫婦家財萬貫。
- It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman.
- 這里曾是一個有錢貴族的宅邸。
- A wealthy man like yourself is bound to make an enemy or two along the way.
- 像你這樣的有錢人,一路走來注定會結下一兩個仇人的。
- Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry.
- 有幸成了富人的人有義務捐助忍饑挨餓的人。
- A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.
- 一位富商被發現死于重物連續猛擊。
- The president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations.
- 總統認為外援是不勞而獲之財,會助長本國對富國的依賴性。
- The high tone of the occasion was assured by the presence of a dozen wealthy patrons.
- 十幾位富有資助人的出席確保了儀式的高格調。
- The lucrative contract with television means that England's wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank.
- 與電視臺簽訂的這項大合同會讓富有的英格蘭足球俱樂部財源滾滾。
- Wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers.
- 富有的游客很容易成為搶包賊的目標。