- n. 肥皂
- vt. 將肥皂涂在……上;對……拍馬屁(俚語)
- vi. 用肥皂擦洗
- soap and water
- 肥皂和水
- a bar/piece of soap
- 一條 / 一塊肥皂
- soap bubbles
- 肥皂泡
- soaps on TV
- 電視上播出的肥皂劇
- She's a US soap star.
- 她是美國肥皂劇明星。
- ...a bar of lavender soap.
- 一塊薰衣草香皂
- ...a large packet of soap powder.
- 一大盒肥皂粉
- She soaped herself all over.
- 她把全身涂滿肥皂。
- This soap lathers so nicely.
- 這種肥皂泡沫很多.
- You will never get the grease off the plates if you don't use soap.
- 如果你不用肥皂的話,盤子上的油膩你是洗不掉的.
- You will never get the grease off your coat if you don't use soap.
- 如果你不用肥皂,你衣服上的油污是不可能洗掉的.
- Soap is not the only cleansing agent.
- 肥皂并不是唯一的清潔劑.
- This soap has a delicate, flower like fragrance.
- 這種肥皂有一股花一般的芳香.
- This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances.
- 這種香皂起泡很多,并且有好幾種香味.
- She did out the bathroom with lots of soap and hot water.
- 她用了大量肥皂和熱水打掃浴室.
- This ( kind of ) soap lathers so nicely.
- 這種肥皂起泡很多.
- Blinded by the soap, he had to feel for his glasses.
- 由于肥皂沫遮住了眼睛, 他只得摸索著尋找自己的眼鏡.
- He bought a bar of soap.
- 他買了一條肥皂.
- Will this soap shrink woollen clothes?
- 這種肥皂會使毛織衣物收縮 嗎 ?
- This soap rinses easily.
- 這肥皂容易漂清.
- Metal, oil and soap contains foreign matter, respectively.
- 金屬 、 油和肥皂中分別含有雜質.
- This soap works like magic — the stains just disappear.
- 這種肥皂真神奇,污垢一下子就沒了.
- You'd better ring for the housekeeper to bring more soap.
- 你最好按鈴叫女管家再拿點肥皂來.
- He blows bubbles with soap water.
- 他用肥皂水吹泡.
- Mother bought three cakes of soap yesterday.
- 媽媽昨天買了三塊肥皂.
- Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?
- 這種肥皂會使毛織品縮水 嗎 ?
- Soap and hot water are very cleansing.
- 肥皂和熱水去污力強.
- This cake of soap will last you about several weeks.
- 這塊肥皂大約夠你用幾個星期.
- There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin.
- 洗臉盆邊上已經有一圈黑頭發和肥皂沫。
- He had soap suds in his ears.
- 他耳朵里進了肥皂泡。