- n. 行動;功績;證書;[法] 契據
- vt. 立契轉讓
- a brave/charitable/evil/good deed
- 勇敢的行為;善舉;惡行;善行
- a tale of heroic deeds
- 英雄事跡的故事
- the deeds of the house
- 房契
- His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.
- 他的英勇事跡在印度各地廣為傳頌。
- ...the warm feeling one gets from doing a good deed...
- 做了好事后心頭暖暖的感覺
- He asked if I had the deeds to his father's property.
- 他問我是否有他父親房產的房契。
- She had never sung better; a deed better left undone; better suited to the job.
- 她從沒唱得更好過; 最好不要做的事; 更適合這個工作.
- The word is the shadow of the deed.
- 言與行如影隨形.
- A man's deed is the touchstone of his greatness or littleness.
- 行動是一個人偉大或者渺小的試金石.
- Pure in word and deed.
- 言行純潔!
- The fee his lawyer charged for drawing up the deed was enough in all conscience.
- 他的律師為起草契約所收的費用確實足夠了.
- You are not going to fool me into such a deed.
- 你不要哄騙我去干那種事.
- We will take the will for the deed.
- 我們心領了.
- Nature is born modality of life. The arts in word and deed are all life arts.
- 自然是生命的最本真形態,真正的藝術皆是生命的藝術.
- In physical view, the procedure of a game is a process of information in - deed.
- 在物理學上, 博弈過程是一個信息處理過程.
- People will say that she did a good deed in helping her friends.
- 人們會說她幫助朋友是做了件好事.
- Do you have the deed to the house?
- 你有這房子的契約 嗎 ?
- He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.
- 他不會做出這么殘忍的事.
- This is the deed to John's plantation.
- 這是約翰農場的契約.
- A friend in need is a friend in deed.
- 患難見真情.
- The money was given to us by deed of covenant.
- 這筆錢是根據契約書付給我們的.
- It's an honour for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed.
- 兒子立功,做娘的臉上也好看.
- He is a good leader in deed as well as in name.
- 他是一位名副其實的好領袖.
- He is all talk and no deed.
- 他光說空話,沒有行動.
- He did the good deed on his responsibility.
- 他主動做了那件好事.
- Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men.
- 黃繼光的英勇事跡盡人皆知.
- That foolish deed of his will remain a blot on his escutcheon.
- 他的那種愚蠢行為將永遠是他名譽上的污點.
- None of us like the divorce of word and deed.
- 我們都不喜歡言行不一.