- n. 陸軍,軍隊
- An army of ants marched across the path.
- 一大群螞蟻浩浩蕩蕩地穿過小徑。
- an army of advisers/volunteers
- 一大批顧問;志愿者大軍
- an army officer
- 陸軍軍官
- The two opposing armies faced each other across the battlefield.
- 敵對兩軍在戰場上嚴陣對峙。
- Her husband is in the army .
- 她的丈夫在陸軍服役。
- After leaving school, Mike went into the army .
- 邁克從學校畢業后參加了陸軍。
- After returning from France, he joined the army...
- 從法國回來之后,他參了軍。
- The army is about to launch a major offensive.
- 陸軍部隊即將發動一次大規模進攻。
- collected by an army of volunteers.
- 由大批志愿者收集的資料
- ...armies of shoppers looking for bargains.
- 成群的尋找便宜貨的購物者
- Identify interoperability issues with the organization's partners ( for example, topology, protocol )
- 確定與合作伙伴的互用性問題 ( 例如, 拓撲 、 協議 )
- His son joined the army last year.
- 他兒子去年入伍.
- " Go and join the army,'said his wife. " I won't hinder you. "
- “ 去參軍吧, ” 他妻子說: “ 我不會阻攔你的. ”
- He led the main strength of his army against the city.
- 他率領主力部隊攻城.
- You are too young to join the army.
- 你年齡太小,還不能參軍.
- In the swamp the army was beset by mosquitoes.
- 在沼澤地,該軍受到蚊子的困擾.
- They warred against the opposing army 8 years.
- 他們與敵人整整打了八年仗.
- In the army, lieutenants are subordinate to captains.
- 在陸軍中, 中尉是上尉的下級.
- The army is an extremely complex organism.
- 軍隊是一個極其復雜的組織.
- The army is at action stations.
- 軍隊已進入戰斗崗位.
- Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.
- 馬格努斯的軍隊被迫逐步撤回防守圈.
- The army paraded round drill squares.
- 軍隊繞訓練場列隊行進.
- An army swollen with pride is bound to lose.
- 驕兵必敗.
- The army encircled the airport.
- 軍隊包圍了機場.
- An army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium.
- 一大群工人被召來建筑運動場.
- He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander.
- 他歷任旅長、軍長等職.
- If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can match them?
- 軍民團結如一人, 試看天下誰能敵?
- As the army retreated , it laid waste to thousands of acres of farmland.
- 軍隊后撤時毀壞了幾千英畝農田.