- adj. 恰當的;有…傾向的;靈敏的
- n. (Apt)人名;(法、波、英)阿普特
- a particularly apt description/name/comment
- 特別恰當的描述 / 名字 / 評論
- apt to be forgetful/careless
- 健忘;常常粗心大意
- Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.
- 嬰兒愛把東西往嘴里塞。
- the aptly named Grand Hotel
- 名副其實的大飯店
- The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929.
- 這份報告的措詞用在今天和用在1929年一樣貼切。
- ...an apt description of the situation.
- 對這種情況恰如其分的描述
- She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about...
- 她動不動就拔高嗓門,并揮舞雙手。
- This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter.
- 這種天氣在冬季往往更為常見。
- It's an apt description of sin's effect on us.
- 這也可以用來描述罪對我們的影響.
- This seems apt: integrated circuits have become the grease of the information economy.
- 這似乎容易想到: 集成電路已經變成信息經濟的潤滑劑.
- If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases.
- 如果某人不善于詳細查看事物, 僅限于用一事物去和另一事物對比、解釋的話, 就讓他去見識見識律師怎么辦案子.
- That is an apt description of the global investment environment up until Bear Stearns 2008.
- 那是對全球性投資環境的適當描述,直到2008年貝爾斯登事件發生.
- The target orientation that administers theory is be apt to is treated.
- 治理理論的目標取向是善治.
- En 1483 , La Provence se donne à la France; Apt suit.
- 在1483年, 普羅旺斯地區投靠了法國, APT隨此屬于法國.
- He is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant.
- 他很容易忽視那些他認為不重要的問題.
- China cups are apt to break.
- 瓷杯容易打碎.
- People are apt to confuse the two issues.
- 人們容易把這兩個問題混淆起來.
- He is the most apt of all pupils.
- 他是所有學生中最聰明的一個.
- Iron is apt to rust.
- 鐵易生銹.
- The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.
- 貼切的引語和珠璣般的詩句為他的演說詞增添文采.
- She is apt at languages.
- 她善于學習語言.
- He is an apt pupil.
- 他是個聰明的學生.
- Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.
- 食物在夏天愛變質.
- If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to call her by her first name.
- 如果那女子露出點賣弄風情的品性,他就會上前去幫她理理領帶, 如果她 ‘ 吃 ’ 他那一套獻殷勤的手段, 他馬上開始用小名稱呼她了.
- The remark was most apt.
- 那評論很恰當.
- He is apt to get excited over trifles.
- 他容易為小事而激動.
- Paper is apt to catch fire.
- 紙容易著火.
- We are apt to wish for what we can't have.
- 我們往往會祈求得不到的東西.
- Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.
- 初學者極易犯語法錯誤.