- adj. 卓越的;極好的;杰出的
- You can all come? Excellent!
- 你們都能來?太好了!
- (informal)It was absolutely excellent.
- 這簡直太好了。
- She speaks excellent French.
- 她法語說得好極了。
- At $300 the bike is excellent value .
- 這輛自行車300塊錢太合算了。
- excellent service
- 優質服務
- an excellent meal
- 一頓美味佳肴
- Luckily, Sue is very efficient and does an excellent job as Fred's personal assistant.
- 幸運的是,作為弗雷德的私人助理,休辦事效率很高,工作很出色。
- The recording quality is excellent...
- 錄音質量非常好。
- Future research and development trends of FIR technology on processing agriculture biological materials were discussed.
- 在此基礎上提出了紅外干燥技術在生物材料加工中的進一步研究方向.
- The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable.
- 你的文章內容不錯,但是文體很糟.
- Students at the Belfast campus have access to excellent sports facilities.
- 在貝爾法斯特校園的學生可以使用極好的體育設施.
- I thought the answer excellent.
- 我覺得這答案好極了.
- He was excellent at solving crimes.
- 他是偵破能手.
- His running commentary on the football match was excellent.
- 他對這次足球賽所作的實況報道十分精彩.
- The enterprise has excellent prospects.
- 這家企業的遠景極其美好.
- She has an excellent rapport with her staff.
- 她跟她職員的關系非常融洽.
- My wife is an excellent manager.
- 我妻子是一個非常好的當家人.
- The carpentry is excellent.
- 這木工是上等的.
- He's a man of excellent judgment.
- 他眼力過人.
- My watch always keeps excellent time.
- 我的表走得很準.
- This is an excellent meal.
- 這是一頓很好的飯.
- He will shape into an excellent basketball player.
- 他會成為一個優秀的籃球運動員.
- The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons.
- 敵對兩黨之盛衰給兩幅最優秀的漫畫提供了題材.
- There was some excellent play in yesterday's match.
- 昨天的比賽有些出色的表現.
- She has excellent taste in dress.
- 她對衣著有極好的鑒賞力.
- He made an excellent meal.
- 他吃了美味的食品.