- adj. 濃縮的;扼要的
- vt. 濃縮(condense的過去分詞)
- The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk.
- 用貯藏的一罐煉乳為茶添加了甜味。
- The substance of their talk is condensed into a paragraph.
- 他們談話的要旨被壓縮成一段話.
- Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.
- 大氣中的水汽在夜間凝結成了露珠.
- Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface.
- 水蒸汽觸及冷的表面即凝結成水.
- He condensed the paragraph into one line.
- 他把這一段縮減成一行.
- Clouds are formations of condensed water vapour.
- 云是由凝聚的水蒸氣構成的.
- Steam is condensed in the condenser.
- 蒸汽在冷凝器中凝結.
- I have condensed my report.
- 我已縮短了我的報告.
- The Council was merely given a condensed version of what had already been disclosed in Washington.
- 地方議會只得到了華盛頓已披露內容的壓縮版。
- Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.
- 《讀者文摘》都是較長原著的縮寫本.
- The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book.
- 英譯本可能被壓縮成了更具可讀性的單行本。
- Steam condenses / is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.
- 蒸氣接觸冷的表面而凝結成水珠.
- Milk becomes condensed when water is taken out of it.
- 去除其中的水分,牛奶便成煉乳.
- The group includes flavonoids, benzophenones, some coumarins, lignans, condensed tannins, and stilbenes.
- 這一組中包括黃酮類化合物, 二苯甲酮 、 一些香豆素 、 木質素 、 縮合單寧和芪.
- The steam has been condensed into a few drops of water.
- 蒸氣已被凝結成數滴水.