- adj. 不會的,不能的;[勞經] 無能力的;不能勝任的
- He lay there, unable to move.
- 他躺在那里動彈不得。
- I tried to contact him but was unable to.
- 我試著跟他聯系,卻沒聯系上。
- The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year...
- 軍方可能會覺得明年難以將政權移交給一位民選總統。
- Unable any longer to keep from breaking in she said, 'I simply cannot believe you're serious.'
- 她再也忍不住了,便插話道:“我真不敢相信你是認真的。”
- China's construction workers, miners and casual laborers have all the ingredients for HIV to spread.
- 中國的建筑工人, 礦工以及短工人群等具備所有傳播艾滋病的可能.
- The ice blocks up the river, making the upstream water unable to flow.
- 冰把河道堵住了, 上游的水流不下來.
- I was unable to resist laughing.
- 我忍不住笑了.
- At the approach of cold weather, the troops were unable to keep holding the field.
- 寒冷的天氣到來時, 部隊無力繼續作戰.
- The crew seemed unable to right the capsized yacht.
- 水手們好像無法使傾覆的游艇翻過來.
- They were unable to run the telephone network economically.
- 他們未能經濟地經營電話網絡.
- The patient was so weak that the nurse was unable to get him up.
- 這病人弱得很,護士扶都扶不起來.
- He was unable to escape the array of facts.
- 他無法躲避一連串的事實.
- His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.
- 他死記硬背的學習方法使他在工作中不能靈活處理問題.
- He was unable to control the animal in himself.
- 他控制不了自己獸性的發作.
- Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your kind invitation.
- 不能接受您的盛情邀請,深為抱歉.
- Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.
- 克萊爾點了點頭, 一時說不出話來.
- I am simply unable to call to mind his name.
- 我實在想不起來他的名字了.
- The firemen were unable to quench the fire.
- 消防人員無法撲滅這場大火.
- She was unable to hold her own, and she had to quit.
- 她總趕不上別人, 所以只好辭職了.
- I regret being unable to say that I cannot come.
- 我不能來,甚為抱歉.
- They are standing in while the others are unable to take part.
- 當別人不能參加時,他們就去代替.
- His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation.
- 當那位老外科醫生不能繼續動手術時,他的助手接替他將手術進行了下去.
- Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude.
- 大型石油公司無需擔心原油銷售不出去。
- Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall, she will be unable to control her spending.
- 患強迫性購物癥的人一旦來到購物中心,就無法控制自己的開支。
- Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone.
- 她沒能克制住自己,起身走向電話。
- The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.
- 英國車手沒能保住自己的領先地位。
- She was unable to find employment.
- 她沒能找到工作。
- For months I had been either unwilling or unable to go through with it.
- 數月來,我一直不是不愿意就是沒辦法做這件事。
- He is unable to travel much because of old age.
- 他年事已高,不能頻繁出游。
- He was unable to contain his own destructive feelings.
- 他無法抑制自己消極的情緒。