- adj. 即將到來的;接著的;前途有望的
- n. 來到;到達
- v. 來(come的ing形式)
- With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.
- 隨著現代技術的到來,許多工作崗位不復存在。
- It's hard to keep track of the children's comings and goings.
- 這些孩子來來往往,很難跟得上他們的行蹤。
- in the coming months
- 在隨后的幾個月里
- This coming Sunday is her birthday.
- 下個星期天是她的生日。
- This obviously depends on the weather in the coming months...
- 這顯然取決于未來幾個月的天氣。
- They talk of the coming battle.
- 他們談論著即將到來的戰斗。
- Get me confirmation on the first available flight.
- 替我確定最優先的班機.
- Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside.
- 狐貍開始從附近的鄉下跑進來.
- John and Susan phoned. They're coming round this evening.
- 約翰和蘇珊來了電話,他們今晚要來.
- You may depend on his / him coming.
- 你可以相信他會來.
- I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me.
- 有勞遠迎.
- I can't smooth these folds away; they keep coming back.
- 我無法消除這些折痕, 它們總是折了回來.
- The fall of one leaf is enough to tell coming of autumn.
- 一葉知秋.
- How many people are coming to the party?
- 有多少人來參加晚會?
- Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring.
- 柳枝綻青報春來.
- We saw them coming downstairs.
- 我們看到他們從樓上下來.
- She apologized to her teacher for coming to school late.
- 她因遲到而向老師道歉.
- Half the pleasure of coming home is finding out what's been happening while you were away.
- 回家的一大樂事在于發現自己不在時家里發生了什么事情.
- In less than four hours my enthusiasm had waned and I rather reproached myself for coming.
- 不到兩個時辰,我早已意興索然,頗悔此行了.
- The government will probably fall at the coming election.
- 在即將到來的大選中,該政府很可能要垮臺.
- What a busy place , with so many people coming and going.
- 人來人往,好不熱鬧!
- You needn't bother about coming up, I'll look after him.
- 你不用來了, 我會照料他.
- I had been a little too premature in coming to this conclusion.
- 作出這樣的結論,我有點太草率.
- She conditioned her acceptance of the gift on his coming to dinner next evening.
- 她以他第二天來吃晚飯作為接受禮物的條件.
- The cat beat a hasty retreat when he saw the dog coming.
- 貓看到狗來時,就很快溜之大吉了.
- There is every probability of his coming.
- 他多半會來.
- Everybody faces down ! There are bombs coming over!
- 小心! 有炸彈!
- The rain was coming down in buckets.
- 天下著傾盆大雨.