- adj. 擦亮的;優美的;圓滑的
- v. 擦亮(polish的過去式和過去分詞)
- He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.
- 他文雅、迷人、能言善辯,是一名優秀的談判人。
- It was simply a very polished performance.
- 這簡直就是一場完美的演出。
- ...polished promotional skills.
- 高明的促銷技巧
- The sealing points on the nipple and valve outlet are comprised of highly polished torroidal beads.
- 管接口和閥門排氣口上的密封點由非常光滑的l墊珠組成.
- Polished chrome and sand nickel are available.
- 備有光鉻,沙鎳兩種顏色.
- The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.
- 轉眼之間,奶油面包和臘腸卷就被一掃而光.
- Finally, from the last picture above, you can see contact surface is absolutely flat and polished.
- 最后, 從上面的最后圖中, 你能看見底部接觸面絕對平且光亮.
- This knob , which was round and of polished brass, shone like a terrible star for him.
- 門鈕形狀渾圓,銅質光滑, 在他眼前閃閃發光,好象一顆駭人的星.
- They polished the car.
- 他們擦亮了汽車.
- The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor.
- 孩子們喜歡在新打光的地板上滑來滑去.
- The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round.
- 那個拳擊手在第一個回合就把他的對手擊倒了.
- The silver will need to be polished up for the dinner party.
- 為了宴會,這些銀器需要擦得光亮.
- The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one.
- 小說中的那個壞蛋在書中倒數第二章被干掉了.
- He polished the floor smooth.
- 他把地板磨得光滑.
- The children polished off the cake.
- 孩子們吃光了蛋糕.
- He polished up the handle of the big front door.
- 他把大門的把手擦亮了.
- In order to catch the train in time, he polished off two bowls of rice in 5 minutes.
- 為了及時趕上火車, 他在5分鐘內就把兩碗飯狼吞虎咽地吃光了.
- The editors have polished the manuscript.
- 編輯們為這篇底稿進行了潤色.
- The president was a polished television performer.
- 總統非常善于在電視上表現自己.
- I read her name on the polished brass plate.
- 我在擦亮的黃銅門牌上看到了她的名字.
- The furniture gleamed after being polished.
- 擦過的家具發亮.
- I stripped down the two SU carburettors, cleaned and polished the pieces and rebuilt the units.
- 我將這兩個SU汽化器拆卸開,把各個零件清洗擦亮后重新組裝起來。
- He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.
- 他文雅、迷人、能言善辯,是一名優秀的談判人。
- The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.
- 木頭最近經過拋光又恢復了光澤。
- He polished off a large steak, salad, broccoli swimming in thick sauce, and half a litre of wine.
- 他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大塊牛排、很多色拉和浸著濃稠醬汁的花耶菜,還喝了半升紅酒。
- Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.
- 他每天早晨都刮臉、擦鞋。