- prep. 乘以
- v. 使…相乘(time的第三人稱單數)
- n. 時代(time的復數);[數] 次數
- Five times two is/equals ten (= 5 × 2 = 10) .
- 五乘以二等于十。
- three times as long as sth
- 某物的三倍長
- three times longer than sth
- 比某物長兩倍
- three times the length of sth
- 三倍于某物的長度
- Now you can perhaps guess what it is.
- 你猜出這是誰了吧?
- I asked him several times, but he didn't say anything.
- 我問過他幾遍, 他都沒吱聲.
- Public general hospital originated in the almshouse infirmaries established as early as colonial times by local governments to care for the poor.
- 公立醫院源自殖民地時期政府為了救濟窮人而建立的救濟院中的醫務所.
- In medieval times the church held sway over many countries.
- 在中世紀,教會支配著許多國家.
- We've tried this method for no one knows how many times.
- 這種方法我們已不知試了多少次.
- I've told you countless times.
- 我已經告訴你無數遍了.
- The New York Times has correspondents in France, Germany, and other countries.
- 《紐約時報》在法國 、 德國和其他國家都有特派[駐外]記者.
- He woke three times during the night.
- 這天夜里他醒了3次.
- He can be a very tiresome child at times.
- 他有時候會是一個非常討厭的孩子.
- Five times three is fifteen.
- 5乘3等于15.
- He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister.
- 他曾來過五六次看他的姐姐.
- They still slept with the lights on, a leftover from more dangerous times.
- 他們仍舊開著燈睡覺, 那是危險時期留下來的習慣.
- Not once have the workers of our factory succeeded in inventing new machines, but many times.
- 我們廠的工人們成功地發明新機器已經不止一次了, 而是許多次了.
- This is a mirror of times.
- 這是時代的反映.
- He stays late in bed on Sunday morning and at other times he has to get up at six.
- 星期天早上他起床遲些,平時他六點就得起床.
- You've been in prison three times according to our records.
- 根據我們的記錄,你曾入獄三次.
- We must go with the times.
- 我們必須趕上時代.
- At meal times the odour of sauerkrant vies with that of garlic.
- 吃飯的時候,德國泡菜的氣味和大蒜的氣味互相竟爭著.
- We must go with the times, and go as others do nowadays.
- 我們必須跟上時代潮流.
- The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.
- 稿子幾經刪改才定下來.
- The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times.
- 作家第三次審稿時又刪去了幾部分.
- There are fixed times for study and for work.
- 學習、工作都有一定的時間.
- Three times three is nine.
- 三三得九.
- The score was tied several times.
- 比分屢次出現平局.