- adj. 閃電的;快速的
- n. 閃電
- vi. 閃電
- (North Amercian English) Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.
- 雷擊給整個州造成了數十起火災。
- a flash of lightning
- 一道閃電
- a violent storm with thunder and lightning
- 夾著雷鳴電閃的暴風雨
- He was struck by lightning and killed.
- 他被閃電擊中而死。
- One man died when he was struck by lightning...
- 一人遭雷擊致死。
- Another flash of lightning lit up the cave.
- 又一道閃電照亮了山洞。
- Driving today demands lightning reflexes.
- 如今開車需要反應極其迅速。
- Lightning streaks from cloud to cloud.
- 閃電劃過朵朵烏云.
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky.
- 閃電曲折地在天空劃過.
- Like a flash of lightning, the meteor shot across the sky.
- 流星像一道閃光劃過天空.
- The lightning made a zigzag in the sky.
- 閃電在天空劃出一道Z字形.
- The motorcycle raced along the street at lightning speed.
- 摩托車飛快地從街上駛過.
- Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
- 雷轟電閃.
- Did that lightning shake you up?
- 那閃電讓你受驚了 吧 ?
- In the lightning I saw that the roof of the hut had been blown off.
- 閃電的時候,我看見棚屋的屋頂被掀掉了.
- The old tree was struck by lightning.
- 老樹讓雷劈了.
- Forests are sometimes set ablaze by lightning.
- 森林有時因雷擊而起火.
- The big tree was split by the lightning.
- 那棵大樹被閃電劈開了.
- Police and the villagers all unanimously ascribed the forest fire to thunder and lightning.
- 警方和村民一致把森林失火歸因于雷電.
- Lightning flashed through the air.
- 閃電從空中閃過.
- A bolt of lightning lit up the sky.
- (一道)閃電照亮了天空.
- Lightning tore the tree in sunder.
- 閃電把樹劈成兩半.
- As the huge clouds rolled up accompanied by thunder and lightning, It'seemed as though we were watching a war of the elements.
- 烏云翻滾,雷電交加, 我們似乎看到了一場大自然的搏斗.
- The lightning was vivid.
- 閃電光輝奪目.
- What a vivid flash of lightning!
- 多么明亮的一道閃光!
- Thunder often accompanies lightning.
- 雷聲常伴著閃電.
- Black clouds, thunder and lightning show that a storm is imminent.
- 烏云 、 雷、電表明一場風暴已迫在眉睫.
- Franklin's experiments showed that the lightning is an electrical discharge.
- 富蘭克林的實驗表明閃電是一種放電.