- n. 橡膠;橡皮;合成橡膠;按摩師
- adj. 橡膠制成的
- vt. 涂橡膠于;用橡膠制造
- vi. 扭轉脖子看;好奇地引頸而望
- n. (Rubber)人名;(西)魯韋爾
- a ball made of rubber
- 皮球
- a rubber tree
- 橡膠樹
- [常用于名詞前]a rubber ball
- 皮球
- rubber gloves
- 橡皮手套
- ...the smell of burning rubber.
- 橡膠燃燒的氣味
- ...rubber gloves.
- 橡膠手套
- ...a rubber ball.
- 橡膠球
- Let's have a few rubbers of bridge.
- 我們玩幾局橋牌吧。
- I can't open the door hardness of stone.
- 我不能打開那扇石門.
- A rubber ball bounces well.
- 橡皮球彈力好.
- The rubber hose is playing out.
- 卷著的橡皮管正在逐漸放開.
- If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases.
- 要是塑料和橡膠被焚, 就會放出有毒的氣體.
- Rubber is an elastic material.
- 橡膠是一種彈性材料.
- The doctors decided that a rubber pipe would have to be let in to enable him to breathe.
- 醫生們決定得插一個橡皮管進去,好使他能呼吸.
- The rubber skirts round the bottom of a hovercraft were destroyed.
- 氣墊船底部四周的橡膠護板被毀了.
- Rubber will not let water through.
- 水浸不透橡膠.
- The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.
- 樓梯踏板上覆蓋著橡膠以防滑.
- You can erase pencil marks with a rubber.
- 你可以用橡皮擦掉鉛筆記號.
- Oil and grease will rot the rubber of the tyre.
- 油污會腐蝕輪胎的橡膠.
- Most of the white liquid running out of these trees ends up as rubber tires.
- 從這些樹上流出來的大部分白色液體最后都變成了橡膠輪胎.
- Rubber balls can be made to bound.
- 可以使橡皮球彈回.
- Rubber is a resilient material.
- 橡膠是有彈性的材料.
- We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.
- 我們用煙草和橡膠換取毛皮.
- Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
- 西非的大多數外貿公司經營橡膠 、 可可和植物油.
- Pencil marks can be erased with a rubber.
- 鉛筆的痕跡可被橡皮擦掉.
- The government bought up the whole domestic rubber crop.
- 政府買進國產的全部橡膠.
- Foam rubber provides good insulation.
- 泡沫橡膠隔絕性能良好.
- The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
- 老師正在用黑板擦擦黑板.
- The smell of burning rubber is not pleasant.
- 橡膠燃燒的氣味不好聞.