- adj. 喧鬧的;興勝的;狂風暴雨的
- n. 咆哮;怒吼;吼聲
- v. 怒吼(uproar的現在分詞)
- All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.
- 我們只能聽到洶涌澎湃的濤聲。
- The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
- 政府首次實行公司私有化的努力獲得了巨大的成功。
- Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.
- 出售非官方紀念品的推銷員的生意也很紅火。
- The new restaurant is doing a roaring trade.
- 這家新餐館生意十分興隆.
- Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start.
- 孔子學院的發展自草創以來一路高歌猛進.
- I hear a roaring in my cars and I feel giddy.
- 我老是感到耳鳴和頭暈.
- The lion was roaring triumphantly.
- 獅子正在發出勝利的吼叫.
- In the distance they could see a vast crowd outside and roaring their heads off.
- 他們遠遠地就看見廠門外烏黑黑一堆人.呼噪的聲音比雷還響.
- His films haven't exactly been a roaring success, have they?
- 他的那些電影并不是非常成功, 是 吧 ?
- While the train was passing, a roaring sound greeted our ears.
- 火車通過時, 我們聽到了轟隆聲.
- It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.
- 只會靠向孩子吼叫來維持秩序的老師是無能的.
- She threw more wood into the stove and soon the fire was roaring.
- 她又在爐子里添了些柴,火很快就呼呼地燒起來.
- Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
- 我們的隆隆炮聲使敵人膽戰心驚.
- Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
- 圣誕節前玩具商店生意火爆.
- The game is often referred asthe roaring game because the sound resulting the stone speeding along.
- 這一游戲又常被稱為“喧鬧游戲”,因為石頭在向前沖時會發出很響的聲音.
- The roaring sea gradually calmed down.
- 咆哮的大海逐漸平靜下來.
- Frightened at a roaring thunder, the baby burst out crying.
- 被隆隆雷聲給嚇壞, 嬰兒嚎啕大哭.
- A roaring sound greeted his ears.
- 隆隆的響聲傳入他耳朵.
- The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.
- 那只受傷的母老虎正在怒吼.
- The Five Continents are rocking , wind and thunder roaring.
- 五洲震蕩風雷激.
- They came home roaring drunk again last night.
- 昨天晚上他們回家時又喝得酩酊大醉.
- His words set everybody roaring with laughter.
- 他的話惹得大家哈哈大笑.
- The sea waves were roaring and breaking over the rocks.
- 海浪吼叫著拍擊著巖石.
- juggernauts roaring through country villages
- 隆隆駛過村莊的重型卡車
- All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.
- 我們只能聽到洶涌澎湃的濤聲。
- The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.
- 短毛獵犬一陣狂吠。
- Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.
- 出售非官方紀念品的推銷員的生意也很紅火。