- adj. 富有成效的;多產的;果實結得多的
- We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.
- 我們有過一段長久、愉快、雙方都獲益良多的關系。
- It was a fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions.
- 這是一次很有成效的會議, 我們做出了許多重大決定.
- Newton's laws were fruitful for the future development of science.
- 牛頓定律對其后的科學發展起了很大作用.
- Our return with fruitful results to the city surprised them.
- 我們滿載而歸回到城里,這使他們很是驚奇.
- The work will be more fruitful under this plan.
- 按照這一方案,做這工作將更有成效.
- These trees are fruitful.
- 這些樹果實累累.
- Diligence brings about fruitful results.
- 勤勞出碩果.
- He is really a fruitful novelist.
- 他真是一位多產的小說家.
- The valleys to the north are more fruitful.
- 北部的山谷更富饒.
- He is full of [ fruitful in ] expedients .
- 他 辦法 多.
- The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done.
- 會談卓有成效,但還有很多事情要解決。
- It was a fruitful meeting; we made three important decisions.
- 這是個卓有成效的會議, 我們作了三項重大的決定.
- Taken as a whole, the work was fruitful.
- 就整體而言, 這項工作是富有成果的.
- This is perhaps the most fruitful new insight we have in the field of organization.
- 這也許是我們在組織領域中所獲得最富有成效的新見識.
- It's been positive and fruitful, but it's gone on far enough.
- 它是積極的和富有成效的, 但是要大家加倍努力.