- adv. 以前,以往
- adj. 以前的;過去的
- n. (Ago)人名;(英、西、意、塞、瑞典)阿戈
- The letter came a few days ago.
- 這封信是幾天前寄來的。
- She was here just a minute ago.
- 剛才她還在這兒。
- a short/long time ago
- 不久 / 很久以前
- How long ago did you buy it?
- 這東西你是多久以前買的?
- It was on TV not (so) long ago.
- 電視不(很)久以前播出了這個節目。
- He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago) .
- 他早就停止工作了。
- They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met!
- 他們要結婚啦?他們剛認識不久嘛!
- two weeks/months/years ago
- 兩周 / 兩月 / 兩年以前
- The meeting is the first since the war began 14 years ago...
- 這是自14年前爆發戰爭以來的第一次會晤。
- He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident...
- 幾天前他在一場滑雪事故中喪生。
- She first appeared on the screen ten years ago.
- 十年前,她第一次出現在銀幕上.
- They forced her off her homeland many years ago.
- 許多年前他們迫使她離開了她的家鄉.
- The girl has grown prettier than ever since I saw her a year ago.
- 一年不見,小姑娘出落得更漂亮了.
- He lost his youth a long time ago.
- 他早已失去了青春活力.
- A certain number of years ago, this place was still a little fishing village.
- 若干年前, 這里還是一個小漁村.
- Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
- 那個國家早就取消了糧食配給制.
- He moved out long ago.
- 他早就搬走了.
- She died about two years ago.
- 她大約在兩年前就死了.
- New methods of production were employed a few years ago.
- 新的生產方法幾年前曾使用過.
- The family left town three years ago but moved back last week.
- 那家人三年前搬出了城,上星期又搬回來了.
- Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago.
- 這位主席還活著? 我還以為他多年前就死了呢.
- A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.
- 一百年前人們曾嘲笑過這種想法.
- I met him half an hour ago.
- 我半小時前碰到他.
- I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.
- 兩年前我和他最后一次談話的情景仍歷歷在目.
- Their decision five years ago to computerise the company is now paying dividends.
- 五年前他們作出的使公司電腦化的決定現在正產生出效益.
- The pair of lions which were found five years ago were metallic.
- 這對五年前發現的獅子是金屬制的.
- Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.
- 兩百年前拳擊比賽在英國就很盛行.
- Some old people always hark back to how things were 30 years ago.
- 有些老年人老是喜歡重提三十年前的狀況.
- Your story calls to mind something that happened to me a year ago.
- 你的故事使我想起一年前的事.