- vt. 服從,聽從;按照……行動
- vi. 服從,順從;聽話
- n. (Obey)人名;(英、法)奧貝
- to obey a command/an order/rules/the law
- 服從指揮 / 命令;遵守規章 / 法律
- He had always obeyed his parents without question.
- 他對父母一向絕對服從。
- ‘Sit down! ’ Meekly, she obeyed.
- “坐下!”她乖乖地順從了。
- Cissie obeyed her mother without question...
- 茜茜對她母親言聽計從。
- Most people obey the law...
- 大多數人都遵紀守法。
- So you wouldn't consider this to be a normal rescue procedure.
- 那么這并不符合常規的營救程序,對嗎?
- You must obey the rule. It is useless for you to kick against the pricks.
- 你必須遵守規定, 對抗對你是無益的.
- You should reason with him instead of just telling him to obey.
- 你應該同他講清道理,不要只叫他聽話.
- I was threatened with a beating if I didn't obey.
- 如果我不服從,他揚言要打我.
- Have you heard that Mr. John has been trying to train his Pekinese to obey him ?
- 你聽說約翰先生在想辦法訓練他的獅子狗聽他話嗎?
- They had to obey the decree that beards be shaved off.
- 他們只得服從剃光胡須的法令.
- Hope you will obey and do accordingly.
- 仰即遵照
- It is necessary that one should obey the law.
- 一個人遵守法律是必要的.
- We must obey orders.
- 我們必須服從命令.
- I shall think it is a great trust to obey the wishes of my dead father.
- 我認為按照先父的愿望去做是我重大的職責.
- You can minimise the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.
- 嚴格遵守交通規則,你就能把行車危險降到最低點.
- Don't try to dictate to children; they will obey you better if you ask them politely.
- 不要對孩子們發號施令,你如果禮貌地要求他們, 他們會更聽話的.
- He swore to obey the king.
- 他發誓服從國王.
- If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!
- 如果你收到這樣的一種請求, 你不會不服從的!
- Soldiers have to obey orders.
- 軍人必順服從命令.
- You must obey orders.
- 你非得服從命令不可.
- All I had to do now was to obey him in silence.
- 這時,我要做的只是默默地服從他.
- Acting like an empress, she often flew into a rage when people refused to obey her.
- 她的舉止儼然像個女皇,人們稍有違抗, 她便大耍淫威.
- It behoves a child to obey his parents.
- 小孩應該聽從父母的話.
- Soldiers must obey their officers.
- 士兵必須服從長官.
- The animal wouldn't obey its driver.
- 牲口不聽吆喝.
- They must obey the throne.
- 他們必須服從王權.
- Everyone must obey the law.
- 人人都必須遵守法律.