- adj. 老練的,熟練的;富有經驗的
- an experienced traveller (= sb who has travelled a lot)
- 閱歷豐富的旅行者
- She's very young and not very experienced.
- 她很年輕,還不太老練。
- an experienced teacher
- 經驗豐富的教師
- He's very experienced in looking after animals.
- 他養動物很有經驗。
- ...lawyers who are experienced in these matters...
- 在這些問題上頗有經驗的律師們
- It's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals...
- 那個小組里都是些有經驗的成熟專業人士。
- The suggestion was distasteful to Gatsby.
- 這個建議不合蓋茨比的口胃.
英漢文學 - 蓋茨比
- Perhaps you and I had better change over; you are more experienced.
- 也許我們的工作還是對換一下好, 你比我更有經驗.
- Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.
- 到目前為止,他的嘗試還沒獲得成功.
- I asked to get buddied up with an experienced diver.
- 我要求和有經驗的潛水員搭檔.
- The experienced artisan would pass on the tricks of the trade to the apprentice.
- 這位經驗豐富的工匠會把訣竅傳給徒弟.
- Our country has experienced great changes in the last thirty years.
- 我國在過去三十年經歷了巨大變化.
- He is much experienced in teaching.
- 他有豐富的教學經驗.
- She experienced a joy in helping others in trouble.
- 她感受到了幫助有困難的人帶來的快樂.
- He has experienced what hardships mean.
- 她涉閱過艱苦的生活.
- He is experienced and works with a sure hand.
- 他辦事很老練.
- Experienced seamen will advise you about whether you should sail the boat in this weather.
- 有經驗的海員會告訴你在這種天氣下是否可以航行.
- The management manned the ship with experienced hands.
- 管理階層給這艘船配備了有經驗的人手.
- Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.
- 找一位有經驗的科學家來擔當此職.
- He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.
- 他經歷過一切艱難困苦.
- I shall put an experienced teacher in charge of that class to bring the children under control.
- 我將派一個有經驗的老師去那個班管理孩子們.
- At last they experienced the joy of victory.
- 最終他們嘗到了勝利的歡樂.
- Many areas and work units have experienced no recidivism at all for as long as ten or more years.
- 不少地區和單位出現了連續幾年、十幾年沒有發生重新犯罪的好典型.
- The experienced teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work.
- 有經驗的老師習慣于督促學生用功學習.
- A young girl in the village experienced a prophetic vision.
- 村里的一個小女孩曾看到過預言的異象.
- It's good to have an experienced man in the saddle again.
- 又有一位經驗豐富的人掌權,這太好了.
- He is not yet experienced at love affairs.
- 他還未經歷過戀愛.