- adj. 興奮的;激動的;活躍的
- v. 激動;喚起(excite的過去分詞)
- Some horses become excited when they're in traffic.
- 有些馬在車流中會受驚。
- She waved excitedly as the car approached.
- 汽車開近時她激動地揮著手。
- An excited crowd of people gathered around her.
- 一群激動的人聚集在她周圍。
- The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good) .
- 這家新餐館沒什么值得特別激動的地方。
- Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print.
- 不要一看到你的名字出現在出版物中就過分激動。
- He was very excited to be asked to play for Wales.
- 入選威爾士隊使他非常興奮。
- The children were excited about opening their presents.
- 孩子們對打開禮物感到興奮不已。
- I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad.
- 我對有希望到國外工作著實很激動。
- Excited voices were shouting that the road was blocked by soldiers.
- 有人氣憤地喊道馬路被士兵封鎖了。
- I'm very excited about the possibility of playing for England's first team...
- 想到可能為英格蘭首屈一指的球隊效力,我非常興奮。
- I was so excited when I went to sign the paperwork I could hardly write.
- 去簽文件時我非常興奮,幾乎無法寫字。
- I don't think there's any reason to get excited about inflation...
- 我認為大可不必為通貨膨脹而心煩。
- The new employees were presented to the rest of the staff.
- 新雇員被介紹給其余職員.
- There's no need to get excited.
- 無須乎著急.
- We were all excited by the news.
- 我們都為這消息感到興奮.
- He was excited with joy at the success.
- 他因成功而感到欣喜激動.
- Don't lose your reason however excited you are.
- 無論你多么興奮都不要喪失理智.
- It is nothing to get excited about.
- 用不著少見多怪.
- What are you so excited about?
- 你為什么如此興奮?
- The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.
- 那位英俊的年輕男子引起了一個女孩的愛慕之情.
- I was quite excited to hear that.
- 聽到那事我非常激動.
- The news excited everybody.
- 消息傳來,人人為之興奮.
- I excited him to anger.
- 我把他激怒了.
- Don't get excited the moment you hear a criticism.
- 不要一聽到批評就沉不住氣.
- The beggar's story excited my pity.
- 這乞丐的經歷激起我的憐憫.
- He is apt to get excited over trifles.
- 他容易為小事而激動.
- Keep calm. Don't get excited.
- 冷靜點,別著急.
- They were so excited that they kissed and kissed again.
- 他們激動得一次又一次地親吻.