- n. 婚禮,婚宴;結婚;結合
- v. 與…結婚(wed的ing形式)
- n. (Wedding)人名;(德)韋丁
- a wedding present
- 結婚禮物
- a wedding ceremony/reception
- 結婚典禮;婚宴
- Have you been invited to their wedding?
- 他們有沒有邀請你參加婚禮?
- She looked beautiful on her wedding day .
- 她在自己的婚禮那天看上去很漂亮。
- All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married) .
- 所有的朋友仿佛已聽到了她婚禮的鐘聲。
- Most Britons want a traditional wedding.
- 大多數英國人都想要傳統的婚禮。
- ...a wedding present.
- 喜禮
- A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand an touthes your heart.
- 真正的朋友不僅能夠握住你的雙手,而且能觸及到你的心靈.
- The actor's wedding got a mention on television.
- 電視上報道了這位男演員的婚禮.
- People often give glass as wedding presents.
- 人們常常贈送玻璃器皿作為結婚禮物.
- You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding . We don't want to find , when the time comes , that we've forgotten this, that and the other.
- 把你娶媳婦應辦的事早些料理料理, 免得到時丟三落四的.
- We were all of a twitter on the wedding day.
- 舉行婚禮的那一天,我們都興奮極了.
- Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?
- 你們倆選定婚期了 嗎 ?
- He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding.
- 他大手筆地拿出一半財產給女兒辦婚事.
- No doubt he'd been looking forward to the wedding ever since it was announced, as an invaluable chance to cut a figure and do some good public relations work.
- 毫無疑問,打從婚禮的消息宣布之日起,他就期望這一天的到來, 認為這是嶄露頭角和增大社會關系的極寶貴的機會.
- They really pushed the boat out for their daughter's wedding, and invited 100 people.
- 他們的確為女兒的婚禮闊氣地慶祝了一番, 邀請了100位賓客.
- When does the wedding come off [ take place ] ?
- 什么時候 舉行 婚禮?
- The photos will be a permanent memento of your wedding.
- 這些照片會成為你婚禮的永久紀念.
- At the wedding party, the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together.
- 婚禮上, 新娘和新郎表示要互敬互愛,白頭偕老.
- Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy.
- 她的婚禮花籃包括玫瑰和長春藤.
- After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.
- 婚禮之后,我們全體排好拍了一張照片.
- Her wedding clashed with my examination, so I couldn't go.
- 她的婚禮與我的考試沖突, 因此我無法參加.
- We have fixed for the wedding to take place on Sunday.
- 我們已經決定在星期天舉行婚禮.
- The bridegroom has given a wedding feast with twenty tables.
- 男方擺了20桌酒席.
- Today is my parents'30 th wedding anniversary.
- 今天是我父母結婚30周年紀念日.
- Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding.
- 婚后沒幾天就染上了梅毒.
- Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.
- 如今結婚禮服的基調是素雅.
- The family must come together for the parents'silver wedding.
- 全家必須聚會慶祝父母的銀婚.