- n. 榮譽;信用;頭銜
- vt. 尊敬(等于honour);給…以榮譽
- Rev. 21:26 And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.
- 啟二一26人必將列國的榮耀尊貴帶進那城.
- We should respect, honor, and appreciate one another's portion and function in the New Testament ministry.
- 我們應當尊重 、 尊敬并欣賞彼此在新約職事中的職分及功用.
- Jn. 4:44 For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.
- 約四44因為耶穌自己作過見證說,申言者在本地是不受尊敬的.
- November 11 th is Veterans Day, when Americans honor those who served in the military.
- 11月11日是美國老兵紀年日, 是美國人表達其對軍人尊敬的日子.
- Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.
- 堅定的正直之心是我的標準原則, 我的人格與榮耀至死不渝, 我所說的話就是我的保證.
- The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.
- 中國人特別重視個人榮譽.
- I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
- 我覺得有責任歸還我借的錢.
- It's quite an honor to have two men fighting over me.
- 有兩個人爭著要我,我感到很榮幸.
- People considered it as an honor to pay strength and perspire for it.
- 大家把為大橋出的一點力,流的一點汗,當作光榮和幸福.
- He has stained the good honor of his family with the guilt of his crime.
- 他的犯罪行為玷污了他家的好名聲.
- He swore by his honor he would return the bike.
- 他以自己的名譽發(fā)誓,保證歸還自行車.
- His honor remained intact.
- 他的名譽完整無損.
- They ran up a flag in honor of the president's visit.
- 為了歡迎總統(tǒng)的來訪,他們升起了一面旗子.
- He tried hard to vindicate his honor.
- 他拼命維護自己的名譽.
- I have the honor of introducing to you Mr. Smith, who will address you on his recent tour abroad.
- 我榮幸地向你們介紹史密斯先生, 他將向你們談談他最近的國外之行.
- To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor.
- 優(yōu)等畢業(yè)即光榮的畢業(yè).
- I regard it as a point of honor always to keep my promises.
- 我把始終恪守諾言看作是事關名譽的大問題.
- It is impossible to honor her with the award.
- 獎品授給她是不可能的.
- A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
- 宴會是為了向貴賓們致敬而舉行的.
- A division of officers and soldiers who won honor for their bravery in the last war will march past during this afternoon's ceremony.
- 在上次戰(zhàn)爭中,因英勇無畏而贏得了榮譽的一師官兵將在今天下午的典禮上整齊地通過主席臺.
- We gave a dinner in honor of our guests.
- 我們設宴款待客人.
- No honor attaches to this position.
- 這個職位沒有什么顯赫可言.
- The money you lost playing at cards with him is a debt of honor and you must certainly pay it.
- 你和他玩牌輸?shù)腻X是一筆信用借款,你一定要付這筆錢.
- Would you honor me by dining with me tonight?
- 今晚您能賞光和我一起吃飯 嗎 ?
- Such a man is an honor to his country.
- 這樣的人是他國家的光榮.
- He was determined to retrieve his honor.
- 他決心恢復名譽.
- He is unworthy to receive such honor.
- 他不配得到這種榮譽.
- His father's name was on the roll of honor.
- 他父親的名字在陣亡將士名冊中.
- I bring this up, your honor, because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant.
- 法官大人,我之所以提及此事,是因為我覺得了解被告的背景十分重要。
- He called for quiet and announced that the next song was in our honor.
- 他叫大家安靜,然后宣布下一首歌要送給我們。