- n. 小偷,賊
- a car/jewel, etc. thief
- 偷汽車、珠寶等的竊賊
- The thieves snatched the camera.
- 竊賊偷走了相機。
- thieves.
- 偷車賊
- Identify interoperability issues with the organization's partners ( for example, topology, protocol )
- 確定與合作伙伴的互用性問題 ( 例如, 拓撲 、 協議 )
- The thief grabbed the bag away from the woman, and disappeared round the corner.
- 小偷從那婦女那兒搶過包, 就在街角消失了.
- The thief crept along the corridor.
- 那賊偷偷地在走廊上潛行.
- What measures shall we take to find out the thief?
- 我們采取什么措施抓住那個賊?
- A thief planted the television set he had stolen on this innocent old woman.
- 一個賊把偷來的電視機栽贓給這位無辜的老太太.
- At the end of the film, the man becomes a thief out of sheer desperation.
- 在電影的結尾, 這個人由于徹底絕望而成了小偷.
- He made an unsuccessful attempt to stop the thief.
- 他試圖捉住小偷,但未能成功.
- The thief struggled to get free.
- 那賊掙扎著要逃脫.
- The dog scared the thief away.
- 狗把賊嚇跑了.
- The thief outwitted the police and escaped.
- 小偷耍花招瞞過警察跑掉了.
- The thief wounded her in the arm with his knife.
- 小偷用刀子扎傷了她的手臂.
- The baby was carried off by a thief.
- 那嬰兒被小偷搶走了.
- The lady struggled with the thief.
- 這位女士與小偷搏斗.
- The court laid the young thief under an obligation to report to the police station once a week.
- 法院強迫那個小偷每周向警察局報到一次.
- I'll have the law of you, you thief!
- 你這個賊,我要控告你!
- The thief had designs upon the secret documents.
- 這賊企圖盜竊這些秘密文件.
- The thief took all my money and left me flat.
- 小偷拿走了所有的錢,使我身無分文.
- The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.
- 警方拘留了盜竊嫌疑犯以作進一步審問.
- The thief shook in his shoes when he was caught in the act.
- 小偷作案時被當場抓住,嚇得發抖.
- The thief celled with two other prisoners.
- 這個賊與另外兩個犯人同關在一個牢房中.
- The thief came in through the window.
- 小偷是從窗戶進來的.
- There is a thief in our midst.
- 我們當中有小偷.
- The thief is certain to be caught in time.
- 小偷遲早會被抓到的.
- The thief was tailed by a policeman.
- 賊被警察釘住了.
- The police had to make a forcible entry into the house where the thief was hiding.
- 警察不得不強行進入小偷藏身的那座房子.
- They suspect him to be a thief.
- 他們懷疑他是個賊.