- adj. 感興趣的;有權益的;有成見的
- v. 使…感興趣(interest的過去分詞)
- I'm very interested in history.
- 我很喜歡歷史。
- Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below.
- 有意加入俱樂部者請按下面的地址和我們聯系。
- We would be interested to hear your views on this subject.
- 我們很想聽聽你對這個話題的看法。
- an interested audience
- 興致勃勃的觀眾
- There's a talk on Italian art─are you interested (= would you like to go) ?
- 有個關于意大利藝術的講座——你想去聽嗎?
- He sounded genuinely interested.
- 聽他的口氣,他真的感興趣。
- As an interested party , I was not allowed to vote.
- 作為有利害關系的一方,我不得投票。
- Interested groups will be given three months to give their views on the new development.
- 有關團體將有三個月的時間提出他們對新開發項目的看法。
- I thought she might be interested in Paula's proposal...
- 我覺得她對葆拉的提議可能會感興趣。
- I think the young man is getting interested in gardening...
- 我認為這個年輕人開始對園藝產生興趣了。
- All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea.
- 所有利益相關方最終都同意了這一想法。
- And then everybody was shown pictures of expensive stuff.
- 然后,每個人都被展示昂貴物品的圖片.
- He was a great deal interested in music.
- 他對音樂非常感興趣.
- She was not interested in the trivia of gossip.
- 她對瑣碎的流言蜚語不感興趣.
- Why wa ste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts, if the children aren't interested?
- 既然孩子們對羅列的事實不感興趣,為什么要浪費寶貴的教學時間強行塞給他們 呢 ?
- We then got interested in health foods and all that jazz.
- 我們那時對綠色食品以及此類東西產生興趣.
- I'm interested in classical architecture.
- 我喜愛古典建筑風格.
- He did not seem at all interested in the subject.
- 他對這個題目似乎一點也不感興趣.
- Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.
- 只要日子能過得去,杰克對掙錢并不那么感興趣.
- Either an author or a man interested in literature is named a literary man.
- 一個作者或一個對文學感興趣的人被稱作文人.
- The speaker tried to drill in his point but the crowd were not interested.
- 發言人力圖把他的觀點灌輸給聽眾,然而聽眾卻不感興趣.
- He is interested in mystic rites and ceremonies.
- 他對神秘的儀式感興趣.
- He is keenly interested in classical English literature.
- 他酷愛英國古典文學.
- An interested person can't make a fair decision.
- 一個有私心的人不可能做出公正的決定.
- He is very interested in plasma physics.
- 他對等離子體物理學很感興趣.
- We all are interested in the status of world affairs.
- 我們都關心世界形勢.
- Try to act interested.
- 盡量地假裝有興趣.