- n. 男人,人類(man的復數)
- n. (Men)人名;(日)面(姓);(葡)梅恩;(柬)孟
- The king's escort total 50 men.
- 國王的警衛隊總數達50人.
- The men have been gambling away all night.
- 那些人賭了整整一夜.
- Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.
- 安妮·斯特林夫人穿越森林追趕那兩個男人時,沒有去想自己所冒的風險.
- As we turned the corner , we came upon a group of men who were waiting for the public house to open.
- 我們轉過屋角時碰到一群人等著店開門.
- Men and women , old and young, all pitched in.
- 男女老幼齊動手.
- The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and run away.
- 那(兩個)人嚇得把手提包一丟就跑開了.
- This was obviously a reasonable suggestion; it doesn't, however, find favor with the men.
- 很明顯這是一個合理的建議, 然而這些人不贊成.
- The war swallowed up many young men into its maw.
- 戰爭把許多青年男子吞進了它的無底洞.
- A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.
- 精心挑選出來的幾個人走在前面,大隊人馬則隱藏在山谷里.
- This college has been the nurse of many famous men.
- 這所大學培養出很多出名的人.
- Were men for the Navy recruited from men on merchant ships?
- 海軍的人員是從商船的人員中征募的 嗎 ?
- The injured men have been dug out of the snow.
- 受傷人員從雪中被挖了出來.
- The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men.
- 這位新總理主要從年輕人中物色人選組建政府.
- The sergeant told the men to close up.
- 中士叫士兵們靠攏.
- Throughout history men have waged war.
- 自有歷史以來就有戰爭.
- The command went forth that all men of a certain age should be killed.
- 命令發出了,所有到一定年齡的男人都得殺死.
- The wounded men were carried away.
- 受傷的人們被抬走了.
- All the villagers , men and women , old and young, took part in the battle against the drought.
- 全村不論男女老幼, 都參加了抗旱斗爭.
- Both men and livestock are flourishing.
- 人畜兩旺.
- I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I'm past my bloom.
- 我曾有許多男性朋友,但現在已寥寥無幾了,我開始走下坡路了.
- Few men have had such transcendental capacity to stir the heart of people.
- 很少人有如此超群出眾的打動人心的才能.
- Tens of thousands of men, year after year, have travelled southwards to find work.
- 每年有數萬人到南方去找工作.
- The company employs men and women in roughly equal proportions.
- 公司聘用的男員工與女員工人數大致相等.
- Two men carried the standard in the royal parade.
- 在盛大的游行隊伍中,兩個男子打著旗子.
- Discontended men stirred the crew to mutiny.
- 心懷不滿的人扇動船員叛變.
- The captain upbraided his men for falling asleep.
- 上尉因他的部下睡著了而斥責他們.
- Many men are needed to emend this book.
- 修訂這本書需要許多人手.
- The two men advanced upon each other with drawn revolver.
- 這兩人都拔出了手槍,一步步相互逼近.
- Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.
- 人有旦夕禍福, 月有陰晴圓缺.
- Some of the cleverest men in Britain drained away to the United States after the war.
- 戰后,英國的一些最有才華的人外流到美國去了.