- n. 喜愛,感情;影響;感染
- Anne had two men trying to win her affections.
- 安妮有兩個男人追求。
- I have a great affection for New York.
- 我很喜歡紐約。
- Children need lots of love and affection.
- 孩子需要多多疼愛和關(guān)懷。
- He didn't show his wife any affection .
- 他沒有向妻子表示一點愛。
- She was held in deep affection by all her students.
- 她的學(xué)生都十分愛戴她。
- Mr Darcy's affection for his sister
- 達西先生對他妹妹的關(guān)愛之情
- The distant object of his affections is Caroline...
- 他一廂情愿地愛慕卡羅琳。
- Jack Russell has a special place in the affections of the cricketing public.
- 杰克·拉塞爾在打板球的人心中有著特殊的地位。
- She thought of him with affection...
- 她很想念他。
- She had developed quite an affection for the place.
- 她逐漸對這個地方鐘愛有加。
- The motherless children were starving for affection.
- 這些沒有母親的孩子渴望親情.
- Her affection for him is deeply rooted.
- 她對他的愛是堅定不移的.
- Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.
- 大象正像狗一樣,喜歡專一的主人, 而且能夠有相當(dāng)程度的個人感情.
- The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.
- 那位英俊的年輕男子引起了一個女孩的愛慕之情.
- She cherishes his memory still in unforgetting affection.
- 她至今仍深情地懷念著他.
- I like her, but feel no affection for her.
- 我喜歡她, 但不愛她.
- This letter is significative of her affection.
- 這封信是她的愛情表露.
- The dog has transferred its affection to its new master.
- 那狗已把它的感情轉(zhuǎn)移到新主人身上.
- A possible connotation of " home " is a place of warmth, comfort and affection ".
- “ 家 ” 的可能涵義是“一個溫暖 、 舒適和愛的地方 ”.
- He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection.
- 他易受感情影響,所以她很輕易地就得到了他的愛.
- He is bound by affection.
- 他為愛情所束縛.
- To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.
- 我謹(jǐn)以此書獻給我的父親,以表示對他的愛戴和感激之情.
- I cherish for you the liveliest feeling of affection and gratitude.
- 我對你懷有最強烈的愛和感激之情.
- He has a deep affection for his old friend.
- 他對老朋友感情很深.
- He sported with her affection.
- 他玩弄她的感情.
- She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.
- 看來她真的被這個愛意的表示驚呆了.
- Mr Darcy's affection for his sister
- 達西先生對他妹妹的關(guān)愛之情
- She had always had a sneaking affection for him.
- 以前她一直暗暗傾心于他。
- Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.
- 通常,只有在母親面前他的情感才會如此外露。