- adj. 合適的,適當的
- n. (變化過程的)形成,發生
- It was not very becoming behaviour for a teacher.
- 這種舉止與一個教師的身份不太相稱。
- This behaviour is not any more becoming among our politicians than it is among our voters.
- 這種行為對于我們的政治家和選民來說都不合適。
- Softer fabrics are much more becoming than stiffer ones.
- 軟面料要比硬面料合身得多。
- An intelligent AC contactor with feedback control is proposed in this thesis.
- 本文提出一種帶反饋控制的智能交流接觸器.
- Harry aims at becoming a doctor.
- 哈利立志做一名醫生.
- The situation in the country is becoming increasingly anarchic.
- 這個國家的局勢日益混亂.
- He is becoming used to listening to others.
- 他正變得習慣于聽別人的意見.
- She wanted to buy the orange dress, but we persuaded her that the blue one was more becoming.
- 她想買那件橙色連衣裙, 但我們使她相信藍色的更合適.
- The hat looks very becoming on you.
- 你戴這頂帽子挺合適.
- The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.
- 矛盾日益尖銳.
- He is a. on becoming a sailor.
- 他一心想當海員.
- When she was a little girl , she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
- 她小時候夢想成為芭蕾舞演員.
- She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.
- 她夢想成為好萊塢的銀幕女神.
- White is a very becoming color on you.
- 你穿白色衣服很好看.
- This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.
- 這個地區的戰略地位和經濟地位變得越來越重要了.
- She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
- 她一直未能實現當名作家的夙愿。
- Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.
- 母親已逐漸衰弱到無法獨居。
- It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved.
- 越來越明顯的是,這個問題不會輕易解決。
- Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.
- 蒙博托出身行伍,通過一級級晉升,最終成為了陸軍司令。
- The towns are on the way to becoming agglomerations of desperately poor people.
- 這些城市正逐漸變為極度貧窮之人的聚居地。
- She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.
- 她還幻想著自己能成為流行歌星。
- Fortunately, such cowboy firms are becoming rarer.
- 幸運的是,這樣的欺詐公司越來越少了。
- Becoming your own person releases your creativity.
- 保持自己的本色才有助于發揮自身創造力。
- I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist.
- 我對替代療法非常感興趣,想做個芳香療法治療師。
- Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless.
- 居住權得不到保證是許多家庭居無定所的一個原因。
- Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.
- 科學家們越來越拿不準這一技術是否正當合法。
- What she feared most was becoming like her mother.
- 她最怕的就是變得像她媽媽那樣。
- We must stop our country becoming Westernized.
- 我們必須阻止我們的國家被逐漸西化。