- n. 閑暇;空閑;安逸
- adj. 空閑的;有閑的;業余的
- n. (Leisure)人名;(英)萊熱
- These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
- 如今我們有更多的錢和空閑時間來享受了。
- leisure activities/interests/pursuits
- 業余活動
- Spend the afternoon at leisure in the town centre.
- 下午到城中心區玩兒去吧。
- Let's have lunch so we can talk at leisure.
- 咱們吃午飯吧,邊吃邊談。
- I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.
- 我建議你把表格帶回去有空慢慢看。
- ...a relaxing way to fill my leisure time.
- 我打發空余時間的輕松辦法
- ...one of Britain's most popular leisure activities.
- 英國最受歡迎的休閑活動之一
- You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens...
- 您可在花園里閑逛。
- He could read all the national papers at his leisure.
- 他可以悠然閱讀所有的全國性報紙。
- He doesn't like a life of leisure.
- 他不喜歡過安閑的生活.
- Where the law is concerned , I am only a layman.
- 談到法律, 我不過是門外漢.
- Please do it at your leisure.
- 請你在空暇時間做一下.
- I have not a moment's leisure.
- 我沒有一點空閑時間.
- Please read it over at your leisure.
- 請你在閑暇時候讀一讀.
- How do you spend your leisure?
- 你是怎樣消磨空閑時間的?
- He likes leisure and hates work.
- 他喜歡安逸,討厭工作.
- He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully.
- 他把這個念頭放在一邊,到空閑時再去認真考慮它.
- They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.
- 他們覺得應當更好地利用空閑時間.
- A busy man hasn't much leisure time.
- 忙人沒有多少暇時.
- I am seldom at leisure.
- 我很少有空.
- Don't hurry, I can wait your leisure.
- 別急, 我可以等你有閑空時再說.
- He read books at his leisure.
- 他在空閑時讀一些書.
- Please glance over it at your leisure.
- 有空時,請把它看一遍.
- Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure.
- 當今的生活被嚴格劃分為工作和休閑兩部分。
- It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure.
- 在工作和閑暇之間很難劃出明確的界限。
- These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
- 如今我們有更多的錢和空閑時間來享受了。
- the need to improve facilities for leisure and recreation
- 改進消遣娛樂設施之必要
- to upgrade the town's leisure facilities
- 改善鎮里的休閑設施