- vt. 排練;預演
- vi. 排練;演習
來自盎格魯法語 rehearser,來自古法語 rehercier,重復,再來一次,來自 re-,再,重新,hercier, 耙地,來自 herse,釘耙,詞源同 hearse.引申詞義排練,預演。
- rehearse
- rehearse: [13] To rehearse something is etymologically to ‘rake it over’. The word comes from Old French rehercer ‘repeat’, a compound verb based on hercer ‘harrow’. This was a derivative of the noun herce ‘large agricultural rake’, from which English gets hearse. At first in English too rehearse meant simply ‘say over again, repeat, recite’; not until the late 16th century did the modern theatrical meaning begin to emerge.
=> hearse - rehearse (v.)
- c. 1300, "to give an account of," from Anglo-French rehearser, Old French rehercier (12c.) "to go over again, repeat," literally "to rake over, turn over" (soil, ground), from re- "again" (see re-) + hercier "to drag, trail (on the ground), be dragged along the ground; rake, harrow (land); rip, tear, wound; repeat, rehearse;" from herse "a harrow" (see hearse (n.)). Meaning "to say over again, repeat what has already been said or written" is from mid-14c. in English; sense of "practice a play, part, etc." is from 1570s. Related: Rehearsed; rehearsing.
- 1. We encouraged them to rehearse what they were going to say.
- 我們鼓勵他們默述一下他們要說的內容。
- 2. Rehearse and role-play the interview with a friend beforehand.
- 事先和朋友通過角色扮演排練一下面試。
- 3. Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers.
- 預先考慮可能遇到的各種棘手問題,并且自己練習回答。
- 4. We were given only two weeks to rehearse.
- 只給了我們兩個星期排練。
- 5. I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.
- 我真想留下來聽這支高超的管弦樂隊排練.