- adj. 唐吉訶德式的;狂想家的;愚俠的
來自17 世紀西班牙小說家塞萬提斯的騎士諷刺小說《Don Quixote de la Mancha》主角Don Quixote.后成為不切實際想法的代名詞。
- quixotic
- quixotic: [18] Quixotic commemorates Don Quixote, the hero of Cervantes’s novel of the same name (published in two parts in 1605 and 1615). He was a slightly dotty Spanish gentleman whose head became turned by tales of chivalric derring-do, which he sought to emulate in real life. His most famous exploit was to charge with his lance at windmills, under the mistaken impression that they were giants.
- quixotic (adj.)
- "extravagantly chivalrous," 1791, from Don Quixote, romantic, impractical hero of Cervantes' satirical novel "Don Quixote de la Mancha" (1605; English translation by 1620). His name literally means "thigh," also "a cuisse" (a piece of armor for the thigh), in Modern Spanish quijote, from Latin coxa "hip." Related: Quixotical; quixotically.
- 1. He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour.
- 他生活中一直遵循一種完全不切實際的堂吉訶德式的道德準則。
- 2. These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.
- 這些似乎是不切實際或自相矛盾的選擇, 但請先容我講完.
- 3. Not long ago , selling American cars in Japan was downright quixotic.
- 前不久, 要在日本出售美國汽車還是一件絕對辦不到的事情.
- 4. At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious ( Louis Auchincloss )
- 從最壞的角度來說,他的疑慮肯定是出于一時沖動, 而不含惡意 ( 路易斯奧金克洛斯 )
- 5. Give me a Don Quixotic Spear so that I fight with the wind wheel.
- 請給我一柄堂吉訶德那樣的長矛,我要與風車開戰!