- n. 母馬;母驢;月球表面陰暗部
- n. (Mare)人名;(意、芬、羅、波、塞)馬蕾 (女名),馬雷;(俄)瑪勒;(英)梅爾
2. 馬阿姨 => 馬中的阿姨(母的).
3. 諧音“馬兒”
mare 月海,月球表面陰暗部縮寫自lunar mare,月海,來自lunar,月亮的,mare,海,詞源同marine.
mare 夜魔,夢淫妖來自古英語mare,魔鬼,夜魔,夢淫妖,來自Proto-Germanic*maron,妖精,來自PIE*mer,傷害,致死,詞源同mortal,murder.該詞現(xiàn)僅見于nightmare,噩夢。
- mare
- mare: see marshal
- mare (n.1)
- "female horse," Old English mere (Mercian), myre (West Saxon), fem. of mearh "horse," from Proto-Germanic *markhjon- (cognates: Old Saxon meriha, Old Norse merr, Old Frisian merrie, Dutch merrie, Old High German meriha, German M?hre "mare"), said to be of Gaulish origin (compare Irish and Gaelic marc, Welsh march, Breton marh "horse"). No known cognates beyond Germanic and Celtic. As the name of a throw in wrestling, it is attested from c. 1600. Mare's nest "illusory discovery, excitement over something which does not exist" is from 1610s.
- mare (n.2)
- "broad, dark areas of the moon," 1765, from Latin mare "sea" (see marine), applied to lunar features by Galileo and used thus in 17c. Latin works. They originally were thought to be actual seas.
- mare (n.3)
- "night-goblin, incubus," Old English mare "incubus, nightmare, monster," from mera, m?re, from Proto-Germanic *maron "goblin" (cognates: Middle Low German mar, Middle Dutch mare, Old High German mara, German Mahr "incubus," Old Norse mara "nightmare, incubus"), from PIE *mora- "incubus" (cognates: first element in Old Irish Morrigain "demoness of the corpses," literally "queen of the nightmare," also Bulgarian, Serbian mora, Czech mura, Polish zmora "incubus;" French cauchemar, with first element from Old French caucher "to trample"), from root *mer- "to rub away, harm" (see morbid).
- 1. The mare neighed once more, turned and disappeared amongst the trees.
- 母馬又嘶鳴了一聲,扭頭消失在樹林里。
- 2. The mare is due to foal today.
- 母馬今天要下小馬駒了。
- 3. He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.
- 他目前正在濱海韋斯頓主演圣誕童話劇。
- 4. The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable.
- 那匹母馬剛剛在馬廄里產(chǎn)下了一只小馬駒.
- 5. A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.
- 騾子是母馬和公驢的雜交后代.