- adj. 男性的;雄性的;有力的
- n. 男人;雄性動物
- n. (Male)人名;(柬)馬爾;(意、西、塞)馬萊;(英)梅爾
male 男的,雄性的縮寫自拉丁語masculus,男的,雄性的,來自mas,男人,雄性動物,詞源同marry.
- male
- male: [14] The Latin word for ‘male’ was masculus (from which of course English gets masculine [14]). It passed into Old French as masle, which later became male – hence English male. The Spanish descendant of masculus is macho, which means ‘virile’ as well as simply ‘male’, and has given English macho [20] and the derivative machismo [20]. Another close relative is probably mallard, which seems to mean etymologically ‘male bird’. Female, incidentally, despite its similarity, is not etymologically related to male, although the two have converged formally owing to their semantic closeness.
=> macho, mallard, masculine - male (n.)
- late 14c., "male human being; male fish or land animal," from Old French masle (adj.) "masculine, male, adult," also used as a noun (12c., Modern French male), from Latin masculus "masculine, male, worthy of a man" (source also of Proven?al mascle, Spanish macho, Italian maschio), diminutive of mas (genitive maris) "male person or animal, male."
- male (adj.)
- late 14c., from Old French male, masle "male, masculine; a male" (see male (n.)). Mechanical sense of "part of an instrument that penetrates another part" is from 1660s.
- 1. The army is still one of the last male bastions.
- 軍隊仍然是男人占據的最后堡壘之一。
- 2. We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.
- 我們那時在同一所學院,當時只招男生。
- 3. The London City Ballet has engaged two male dancers from the Bolshoi.
- 倫敦市芭蕾舞團從波修瓦芭蕾舞團聘來了兩名男舞蹈演員。
- 4. In male company, perhaps he did overstep the bounds of propriety.
- 在清一色男性的公司里,可能他的舉止確實有失得體。
- 5. I realize there's no consensus on what are male or female values.
- 我意識到人們對什么是男性價值觀和什么是女性價值觀并無共識。