- n. 陰霾;薄霧;疑惑
- vt. 使變朦朧;使變糊涂
- vi. 變朦朧;變糊涂
- n. (Haze)人名;(法)阿澤
2. 諧音“黑遮”-----黑霧遮天蔽日。
3. 被“戲弄、凌辱、折磨、處罰”的時候,其實過的就是黑暗的日子。
4. 諧音“黑澤”----黑暗、朦朧的沼澤。
- haze (v.)
- "subject (someone) to cruel horseplay," 1850, American English student slang, from earlier nautical sense of "harass with work, punish by keeping at unpleasant and unnecessary hard labor" (1840), perhaps from hawze "terrify, frighten, confound" (1670s), from Middle French haser "irritate, annoy" (mid-15c.), which is of unknown origin. Related: Hazed; hazing.
All hands were called to "come up and see it rain," and kept on deck hour after hour in a drenching rain, standing round the deck so far apart as to prevent our talking with one another, with our tarpaulins and oil-cloth jackets on, picking old rope to pieces or laying up gaskets and robands. This was often done, too, when we were lying in port with two anchors down, and no necessity for more than one man on deck as a look-out. This is what is called "hazing" a crew, and "working their old iron up." [Dana, "Two Years before the Mast," 1842]
- haze (n.)
- "opaqueness of the atmosphere," 1706, probably a back-formation of hazy (q.v.). Sense of "confusion, vagueness" is 1797. The differentiation of haze, mist, fog (and other dialectal words) is unmatched in other tongues, where the same word generally covers all three and often "cloud" as well; this may be an effect of the English climate on the English language.
- 1. His mind was a haze of fear and confusion.
- 由于害怕和困惑,他當時處于一種混沌狀態。
- 2. A thick haze of acrid smoke hung in the air.
- 空氣中彌漫著刺鼻的濃煙。
- 3. Dan smiled at him through a haze of smoke and steaming coffee.
- 丹透過煙霧和咖啡的熱氣朝他笑了笑。
- 4. Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her.
- 奧蘿拉感覺自己被籠罩在鴉片煙霾中。
- 5. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.
- 他們消失在天邊的霧霾中。