- vi. 標記;衰退;枯萎
- vt. 標記;插旗
- n. 標志;旗子
來自輔音叢fl, 撲騰,拍打,擬聲詞。即模仿旗幟或菖蒲在風中晃動的聲音。引申義熱情衰減,主要用于形容詞unflagging, 不懈的。
- flag
- flag: English has at least three separate words flag, none of whose origins are known for certain. Both the noun ‘cloth used as an emblem’ [16] and the verb ‘droop, decline’ [16] may have developed from an obsolete 16th-century adjective flag ‘drooping, hanging down’, but no one knows where that came from. Flag the plant [14] is probably related to Danish fl?g ‘yellow iris’, but beyond that the trail goes cold. Flag as in flag-stone [15] originally meant ‘piece of turf’.
It probably came from Old Norse flaga ‘stone slab’. This also gave English flaw (which originally meant ‘flake’), which is related to English floe, and goes back to a Germanic base, a variant of which produced English flake.
=> flake, flaw, floe - flag (n.1)
- "cloth ensign," late 15c., now in all modern Germanic languages (German Flagge, Dutch vlag, Danish flag, Swedish flagg, etc.) but apparently first recorded in English, of unknown origin, but likely connected to flag (v.1) or else an independent imitative formation "expressing the notion of something flapping in the wind" [OED]. A guess considered less likely is that it is from flag (n.2) on the notion of being square and flat.
Meaning "name and editorial information on a newspaper" is by 1956. U.S. Flag Day (1894) is in reference to the adopting of the Stars and Stripes by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. - flag (v.1)
- 1540s, "flap about loosely," probably a later variant of Middle English flakken, flacken "to flap, flutter" (late 14c.), which probably is from Old Norse flaka "to flicker, flutter, hang losse," perhaps imitative of something flapping lazily in the wind. Sense of "go limp, droop, become languid" is first recorded 1610s. Related: Flagged; flagging.
- flag (n.2)
- "flat stone for paving," c. 1600, ultimately from Old Norse flaga "stone slab," from Proto-Germanic *flago- (see flake (n.)). Earlier in English as "piece cut from turf or sod" (mid-15c.), from Old Norse flag "spot where a piece of turf has been cut out," from flaga.
- flag (n.3)
- plant growing in moist places, late 14c., "reed, rush," perhaps from Scandinavian (compare Danish fl?g "yellow iris") or from Dutch flag; perhaps ultimately connected to flag (v.1) on notion of "fluttering in the breeze."
- flag (v.2)
- 1875, "place a flag on or over," from flag (n.1). Meaning "designate as someone who will not be served more liquor," by 1980s, probably from use of flags to signal trains, etc., to halt, which led to a verb meaning "inform by means of signal flags" (1856, American English). Meaning "to mark so as to be easily found" is from 1934 (originally by means of paper tabs on files). Related: Flagged; flagging.
- 1. On top of the gantry the American flag flew.
- 臺架頂上飛舞著美國國旗。
- 2. They flew the flag of the African National Congress.
- 他們升起非洲人國民大會的旗幟。
- 3. He had unmistakably been waving his flag to attract the referee's attention.
- 他顯然一直在揮舞旗子吸引主裁判的注意。
- 4. Steve Crabb can fly the flag with distinction for Britain in Barcelona.
- 史蒂夫·克拉布在巴塞羅那可以旗幟鮮明地支持英國。
- 5. Staff can use the noticeboard to flag up any concerns.
- 員工可以用布告欄表達任何關注。