- vt. 開發;進步;使成長;使顯影
- vi. 發育;生長;進化;顯露
de-, 不,非,使相反。-velop, 裹,圍住,詞源同envelop,wind. 即去除限制使發展。
- develop
- develop: [17] The history of develop and its close relative envelop is hazy. English acquired it from développer, the modern French descendant of Old French desveloper. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix des- ‘un-’ and voloper ‘wrap’. But where did voloper come from? Some have proposed a hypothetical Celtic base *vol- ‘roll’, while others have pointed to similarities, formal and semantic, with Italian viluppo ‘bundle’ and viluppare ‘wrap’, which come from an assumed late Latin *faluppa ‘husk’. Beyond that, however, the trail has gone cold.
=> envelop - develop (v.)
- 1650s, "unroll, unfold," from French développer, replacing English disvelop (1590s, from Middle French desveloper), both from Old French desveloper "unwrap, unfurl, unveil; reveal the meaning of, explain," from des- "undo" + veloper "wrap up," which is of uncertain origin, possibly Celtic or Germanic. Modern figurative use is 18c. The photographic sense is from 1845; the real estate sense is from 1890.
- 1. She won a grant to develop her own business.
- 她贏得了一筆撥款,用以擴展自己的企業。
- 2. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.
- 你必須盡你所能。
- 3. We have to develop a less amateurish approach to our organisa-tions.
- 我們必須使我們對待自己組織的態度變得較為專業。
- 4. Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products.
- 銀行已為開發新的金融產品留出了更大余地。
- 5. The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.
- 音樂學習中的訓練可以幫助孩子們培養好的工作習慣。