- vt. 追逐;追捕;試圖贏得;雕鏤
- vi. 追逐;追趕;奔跑
- n. 追逐;追趕;追擊
- n. (Chase)人名;(英)蔡斯;(法)沙斯
來自拉丁詞captare, 抓,拿,catch的同源對詞,詞源同capture, captive.
- chase
- chase: There are two distinct words chase in English, although they may come from the same ultimate source. The commoner, and older, ‘pursue’ [13], comes via Old French chacier from Vulgar Latin *captiāre (which also produced Anglo-Norman cachier, source of English catch). This was an alteration of Latin captāre ‘try to seize’, which was formed from captus, the past participle of capere ‘take’ (source of a wide range of English words, including capture, capable, and cater, and distantly related to heave).
The other, ‘engrave’ [14], may come from Old French chas ‘enclosure’, which in turn came from Latin capsa ‘box’ (source of English case and related ultimately to Latin capere). The semantic connection would seem to be between putting a jewel in its setting, or ‘enclosure’, and decorating jewellery or precious metal by other means such as engraving or embossing.
=> capable, capture, case, catch, cater, heave, purchase - chase (n.1)
- mid-13c., chace, "a hunt," from Old French chace "a hunt, a chase; hunting ground" (12c.), from chacier (see chase (v.)). Meaning "a pursuit" (of an enemy, etc.) is early 14c.
- chase (v.)
- c. 1300, chacen "to hunt; to cause to go away; put to flight," from Old French chacier "to hunt, ride swiftly, strive for" (12c., Modern French chasser), from Vulgar Latin *captiare (source of Italian cacciare, Catalan casar, Spanish cazar, Portuguese ca?ar "to chase, hunt;" see catch (v.)).
Meaning "run after" developed mid-14c. Related: Chased; chasing. Older European words for "pursue" often also cover "persecute" (Greek dioko, Old English ehtan); modern ones often derive from words used primarily for the hunting of animals. - chase (n.2)
- "bore of a gun barrel," 1640s, from French chas "eye of a needle; enclosure," from Vulgar Latin *capsum, variant of Latin capsa "box" (see case (n.2)).
- 1. Ellery's return will help to chase away some of the gloom.
- 埃勒里的歸來可以驅散一些抑郁的情緒。
- 2. Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively.
- 許多農民然后就會兇巴巴地把你從他們的土地上攆走。
- 3. The chase is always much more exciting than the conquest anyway.
- 不管怎么說,追求的過程總比得手更為刺激。
- 4. His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.
- 他對歐洲統一的執著追求在一定程度上促成了撒切爾夫人的下臺。
- 5. The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias.
- 最被同額賭注賭家看好的托比·托拜厄斯贏得了馬特爾杯追逐賽。