- n. 癌癥;惡性腫瘤
來自PIE *kar, 硬,詞源同hard. 字母n,r音變。
cancer 蟹,癌因古希臘醫生觀察到腫瘤病人靜脈腫脹形如螃蟹而得名。
- cancer
- cancer: [14] Cancer comes from Latin cancer, which meant literally ‘crab’. It was a translation of Greek karkínos ‘crab’, which, together with its derivative karkínōma (source of English carcinoma [18]) was, according to the ancient Greek physician Galen, applied to tumours on account of the crablike pattern formed by the distended blood vessels around the affected part.
Until the 17th century, the term generally used for the condition in English was canker, which arose from an earlier borrowing of Latin cancer in Old English times; before then, cancer had been used exclusively in the astrological sense. The French derivative of Latin cancer, chancre, was borrowed into English in the 16th century for ‘syphilitic ulcer’.
=> canker, carcinoma - cancer (n.)
- Old English cancer "spreading sore, cancer" (also canceradl), from Latin cancer "a crab," later, "malignant tumor," from Greek karkinos, which, like the Modern English word, has three meanings: crab, tumor, and the zodiac constellation (late Old English), from PIE root *qarq- "to be hard" (like the shell of a crab); cognates: Sanskrit karkatah "crab," karkarah "hard;" and perhaps cognate with PIE root *qar-tu- "hard, strong," source of English hard.
Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, among others, noted similarity of crabs to some tumors with swollen veins. Meaning "person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer" is from 1894. The sun being in Cancer at the summer solstice, the constellation had association in Latin writers with the south and with summer heat. Cancer stick "cigarette" is from 1959.
- 1. She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.
- 她有一段時間曾幫助垂危的癌癥患者。
- 2. Scientists know that cancer may not show up for many years.
- 科學家們知道癌癥可能會潛伏多年。
- 3. Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer.
- 脫咖啡因的咖啡仍含一些刺激物和其他可能致癌的有害物質。
- 4. She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital.
- 她參加了當地醫院的癌癥互助組。
- 5. Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer.
- 鈣可能有助于預防結腸癌。