- n. 狗;丑女人;卑鄙的人;(俚)朋友
- vt. 跟蹤;尾隨
dog and bone
(rhyming slang)a telephone
dog eat dog
used to refer to a situation of fierce competition in which people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed
New York is a dog-eat-dog society.
dog in the manger
inclined to prevent others from having or using things that one does not need oneself
dog-and-pony show
(N. Amer.)an elaborate display or presentation
a dog's age
(N. Amer. informal)a very long time
the best I've seen in a dog's age.
dogs bark, but the caravans move on
(proverb)people may make a fuss, but it won't change the situation
the dog's bollocks
(Brit. vulgar slang)a person or thing that is the best of its kind
a dog's dinner (或 breakfast)
(Brit. informal)a poor piece of work; a mess
we &B{made a} real &B{dog's breakfast of it}.
a dog's life
an unhappy existence, full of problems or unfair treatment
he &B{led} poor Amy &B{a dog's life}.
the dogs of war
(poetic/literary)the havoc accompanying military conflict
dressed (up) like a dog's dinner
(Brit. informal)wearing ridiculously smart or ostentatious clothes
every dog has his (或 its) day
(proverb)everyone will have good luck or success at some point in their lives
give a dog a bad name and hang him
(proverb)it's very difficult to lose a bad reputation, even if it's unjustified