- n. 面包;生計(jì)
- vt. 在…上灑面包屑
詞源不確定。可能來自burn, 燒,烤。特指烤面包。
- bread
- bread: [OE] The general Germanic word for ‘bread’ in prehistoric times was what we now know as loaf; bread probably originally meant simply ‘(piece of) food’, but as bread was among the commonest foods, the word bread gradually became more specialized, passing via ‘piece of bread’, ‘broken bread’, to simply ‘bread’. Old English brēad and related Germanic forms such as German brot and Swedish br?d point to a hypothetical Germanic precursor *brautham, but the word’s ultimate origins are unknown. Some etymologists have derived it from Indo- European *bhreu-, source of English brew.
- bread (n.)
- Old English bread "bit, crumb, morsel; bread," cognate with Old Norse braue, Danish br?d, Old Frisian brad, Middle Dutch brot, Dutch brood, German Brot. According to one theory [Watkins, etc.] from Proto-Germanic *brautham, which would be from the root of brew (v.) and refer to the leavening.
But OED argues at some length for the basic sense being not "cooked food" but "piece of food," and the Old English word deriving from a Proto-Germanic *braudsmon- "fragments, bits" (cognate with Old High German brosma "crumb," Old English breotan "to break in pieces") and being related to the root of break (v.). It cites Slovenian kruh "bread," literally "a piece."
Either way, by c. 1200 it had replaced the usual Old English word for "bread," which was hlaf (see loaf (n.)). Slang meaning "money" dates from 1940s, but compare breadwinner. Bread-and-butter in the figurative sense of "basic needs" is from 1732. Bread and circuses (1914) is from Latin, in reference to food and entertainment provided by governments to keep the populace happy. "Duas tantum res anxius optat, Panem et circenses" [Juvenal, Sat. x.80]. - bread (v.)
- "to dress with bread crumbs," 1727, from bread (n.). Related: Breaded; breading.
- 1. For her, books were as necessary to life as bread.
- 對她來說,書就像面包一樣,是生活必需品。
- 2. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.
- 每天盡量至少吃4片面包。
- 3. The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.
- 政府提高了面包、肉類等幾種基本商品的價格。
- 4. The crew of the ship gave them nothing but bread to eat.
- 船上的工作人員除了面包什么也不給他們吃。
- 5. There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread.
- 全麥面包纖維含量比白面包高。