- adj. 年度的;每年的
- n. 年刊,年鑒;一年生植物
- annual
- annual: [14] Annual comes, via Old French annuel, from annuālis, a late Latin adjective based on annus ‘year’ (perhaps as a blend of two earlier, classical Latin adjectives, annuus and annālis – ultimate source of English annals [16]). Annus itself may go back to an earlier, unrecorded *atnos, probably borrowed from an ancient Indo-European language of the Italian peninsula, such as Oscan or Umbrian.
It appears to be related to Gothic athnam ‘years’ and Sanskrit átati ‘go, wander’. The medieval Latin noun annuitās, formed from the adjective annuus, produced French annuité, which was borrowed into English as annuity in the 15th century.
=> annals, anniversary, annuity - annual (adj.)
- late 14c., from Old French annuel (12c.) or directly from Late Latin annualem (nominative annualis), corresponding to Latin annalis as adjective form of annus "year," from PIE *at-no-, from root *at- "to go," on notion of "period gone through" (cognates: Sanskrit atati "goes, wanders," Gothic atnam (dative plural) "year," Oscan akno- "year, holiday, time of offering"). Used of plants since 1710.
- annual (n.)
- c. 1400, originally "service commemorating the anniversary of a person's death," from annual (adj.). By 1824 as short for annual plant.
- 1. But at the annual party conference he always made the right noises.
- 但在每年政黨會議上,他總是隨聲附和。
- 2. The annual slaughter of wildlife in Italy is horrific.
- 在意大利,每年大量捕殺野生動物的現象令人震驚。
- 3. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.
- 英國工黨的年度會議今天在布賴頓閉幕。
- 4. This week, the company mailed out its annual report.
- 本周該公司群發了其年度報告。
- 5. Three million people will visit theatres in the annual six-week season.
- 在每年為期6周的戲劇季里,會有300萬人去看戲。