- n. 口音;重音;強調;特點;重音符號
- vt. 強調;重讀;帶…口音講話
2. cant- (cantare: sing): accent, cant, chant, enchant, incantation.
前綴ac-同ad-. 詞根cent,唱,同chant, 詠唱。字面意思指說話像唱歌,后指口音。后指先說后唱,強調。
- accent
- accent: [14] Accent was originally a loantranslation from Greek into Latin (a loantranslation is when each constituent of a compound in one language is translated into its equivalent in another, and then reassembled into a new compound). Greek prosōidíā (whence English prosody) was formed from pros ‘to’ and ōidé ‘song’ (whence English ode); these elements were translated into Latin ad ‘to’ and cantus ‘song’ (whence English chant, cant, cantata, canticle), giving accentus.
The notion underlying this combination of ‘to’ and ‘song’ was of a song added to speech – that is, the intonation of spoken language. The sense of a particular mode of pronunciation did not arise in English until the 16th century.
=> cant, cantata, canticle, chant - accent (n.)
- late 14c., "particular mode of pronunciation," from Middle French accent, from Old French acent (13c.), from Latin accentus "song added to speech," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + cantus "a singing," past participle of canere "to sing" (see chant (v.)). Loan-translation of Greek prosoidia, from pros- "to" + oide "song," which apparently described the pitch scheme in Greek verse. The decorating sense of "something that emphasizes or highlights" is from 1972.
- accent (v.)
- "to pronounce with accent or stress," 1520s, from Middle French accenter, from Old French acenter, from acent (see accent (n.)). Related: Accented; accenting.
- 1. Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable.
- 在 “ accent ” 一詞的第一個音節上加重音符號.
- 2. There is often a strong accent on material success.
- 經常大力強調物質成就。
- 3. Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.
- 她在倫敦呆了30多年,愛爾蘭口音仍很濃重。
- 4. Brand's keen ear caught the trace of an accent.
- 布蘭德敏銳的耳朵聽出了口音。
- 5. Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.
- 喬說話聲音低沉粗嘎,帶著中西部地區的腔調。